Terra Littoral-Not Down On Any Map
“It is not down on any map, true places never are” Herman Melville
The works in this collection employ land, sea and tides - real physical places - as archetypes or metaphors for our own inner landscapes: the emotions, feelings and thoughts that determine our behaviour and actions.
These are landscapes that shift and change constantly. In highs and lows they erode us and they build us. They morph, flow, rise, fall. They are never still. These places are neither positive or negative - they just are.
They just exist, and even in their existence they are not solid. Like an idea, or a relationship, their existence requires action, movement, flow.
Although these places are universal, the journey to reach them is independent, unique to each of us. It is our own experiences, thoughts, choices and courage that determine how and when we get there, and how long we will stay.
You will know some of these places well - treasured destinations regularly visited - but others you may find foreign. This exhibition invites you to travel to those unknown lands, discover and explore the places that can not be found on maps, that rise and fall with the tides, that speak truth to your soul.
The landscapes in this collection do not exist anymore. Their physical form lasted only for a few minutes, sometimes seconds. Impermanent wisps of true places. These captures allow us to linger a while longer near the shore, and I encourage you to dip your toes in.
It is my great hope that as you allow yourself some space, as you spend some time in this littoral realm, you will come to appreciate the deep and powerful beauty of your own inner landscapes.
- land or territory, the planet earth.
- the part of a river, lake or sea close to the land, where sunlight can reach the bottom.
- the shore zone between high and low tide